Bijgewerkt: 28 maart 2025

Amity International School is coming to Amstelveen in 2017

Nieuws -> Gemeente

Bron: Gemeente Amstelveen

Amity International School Amsterdam intends to open its doors in Amstelveen in September 2017. The school will be established at the Van Leer building on the Amsterdamseweg. The school complements the current variety in international education within the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and fills the shortfall of places in international education throughout the area by offering the enhanced International Baccalaureate (IB) Curriculum.

The global not-for-profit education group, Amity was set up in 1999 and currently has 150,000 students across 12 countries from pre-schools to post-doctoral. The Amity International School Amsterdam provides a challenging and appealing environment, which encourages students to perform on an intellectual, academic and social level, enabling them to utilise their skills in a rapidly changing world.

Foto Amstelveen
(Foto Privé collectie - 2015)

Het hoofdkantoor van de Koninklijke Emballage Industrie Van Leer B.V. aan de Amsterdamseweg in de jaren 1960. Inmiddels is het voormalige hoofdkantoorgebouw het 300ste Gemeentelijke monument van Amstelveen geworden

Amity intends to start with education for elementary school from the age of 2 till grade 5, and subsequently develop into secondary education. Amity has ample experience in setting up schools, with hi-end international schools in numerous countries which are highly ranked and respected. The school in Amstelveen has great facilities with highly experienced teachers coming from various parts of Europe, UK, and USA.

The initial contact with Amity developed during the trade mission of the Amsterdam area to India in March, 2015. This is when the academic mission coordinator, Prof. Hari S. Sharma arranged a visit to the impressive campus of Amity University and signing MOU by Prof. Jaap Winter, Chairman of VU university board. Amstelveen Mayor Mirjam van ‘t Veld spoke for the first time with Dr. Chauhan family, founders of Amity, during the dinner reception by ambassador Stoelinga

Dr Atul Chauhan: President - Amity Education says: 'During our visit to Amstelveen and Amsterdam last year, we fell in love with this country. The Mayors and their teams have ensured that our group invests in education and align with the needs of the cities to have high quality International schools. We are proud to be in this beautiful and culturally rich country and promise to make Amity International School Amsterdam one of the best schools in Europe.'

The Amstelveen Mayor Mirjam van ‘t Veld says: 'Amity’s professional standards combined with the educational institute’s passion and dynamics promptly left me with an entirely positive impression. I’m extremely proud that together, we’ve been able to set up this exquisite international school in Amstelveen in such a short period of time.'

The Amsterdam deputy Mayor Kajsa Ollongren says: “The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area is noted for its international standing. One of the aspects of a sound business climate for international companies is the presence of sufficient international education of high standards. Businesses encounter this as one of the greatest issues for establishment in the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. We very much welcome Amity’s initiative.”

Funding. The national government has confirmed its commitment to make an investment in international education within the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area and the Hague Area. The government is prepared to fund 2.5 million euros to start Amity up on the condition that the cities of Amstelveen and Amsterdam jointly fund another 2.5 million euros (1.25 million euros each city). Amity Global education group is investing more about six million euros in restructuring with extremely high quality facilities in a rented beautiful Van Leer building in Amstelveen.

Amity International School is een onderwijsinstelling in Delhi, India. Deze school is aangesloten bij het Centraal Bureau voor het Onderwijs (CBSE), Delhi, en volgt het door dit college voorgeschreven curriculum. De school is opgericht door de Ritnand Balved Education Foundation (RBEF) Dr. Ashok Chauhan. De voorzitter van deze school is dr. Mevrouw Amita Chauhan. Amity International School, Saket is de eerste in de keten van scholen en instellingen opgericht onder de leiding van zijn visionaire oprichterpresident Dr Ashok K. Chauhan in 1991. Amity Universiteiten zijn ook onderdeel van Amity Institutions. Zij staan onder leiding van Ashok Chauhan. is niet verantwoordelijk voor de inhoud van de nieuwsberichten.