Imprisoned expositie bij Canvas Art
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Aanstaande zaterdag op 24 mei 2008, om 17.00 opent de tentoonstelling IMPRISONED met schilderijen van de Chinese kunstenaar Luo Jie.
Wij nodigen u hier hartelijk voor uit. Het wordt feestelijk, Luo Jie is er zelf ook en we hebben een Chinese barbecue.
Martijn Kielstra, Froukje Holtrop en Fleur Lamers

(Canvas Art - 2008)
Luo Jie- Imprisoned True Officers 2007. Acrylic on canvas (165 x 210 cm)
SATURDAY 24.5.2008
You are cordially invited to the opening of
An exhibition of paintings by
Western philosophy states that man is a social animal, but I see people more as prisoners, prisoners of their own culture and prisoners of this unyielding era' (Luo Jie).
We are very pleased to present the work of Luo Jie. in our view one of China's most promising artists. As of May 22nd Luo Jie will be working in our guest studio in Amstelveen.
Opening Saturday 24.5.2008 at 17.00 -19.30 at Canvas International Art.
Chinese BBQ and cocktails will be served to celebrate this last exhibition before the summer holidays. The exhibition continues until 21.6.2008
Adres: Fokkerlaan 46 1185 JC Amstelveen
Website: Canvas International Art